Three easy-to-use coaching tools: Powerful words and outcome-based decision making. |

If you have been in the full-time work force for a few years, chances are that you have been made to feel like a second-class citizen. Organizations fail to recognize the mental and physical toll that the working world takes on us, and often treat us like disposable assets. The first step to managing stress is recognizing it. When we recognize the stress that we experience on a daily basis, we can prioritize it, and take actions that can bring us into a healthier and more productive place.

I recently read in a blog post that there are three easy-to-use coaching tools that could change your life for the better. I believe that they are the most powerful words you’ll ever hear. And, they should mostly be used to help you make decisions that are truly in your best interests. Now, let me say that I don’t have all the answers, but I do believe that these words can be very powerful if used properly. When used to improve your life, they can really help you find the answers you’re looking for.

Coaching is the most effective way to get significant results from your efforts with others. You and your coach can talk about your goals, and then you can also talk about the skills, abilities, and values that you want to improve. This type of coaching is called outcome-based decision making, and it is a bit different from traditional methods that focus on skills and strategies.

We’re offering you some of our best coaching resources today. They’re simple and straightforward to utilize. They are as follows:

  • Coaching’s five most potent words
  • Coaching’s two most potent words
  • Decision-making based on outcomes

Even if you don’t have a lot of coaching experience, these three easy techniques can help you become a great coach.

Coaching’s five most potent words

When we ask our clients if something is “good” or “poor,” we ask them one simple question:

“How are things going with you?”

This statement is just stunning.

  • It’s a neutral color. It’s just a question of observation and awareness as long as you don’t ask it sarcastically.
  • It’s made of concrete. It compares customers’ emotions, thoughts, and worldviews to cold, hard truth.
  • It focuses on the customer. It invites people to assess themselves. You are not required to pass judgment on anything.
  • It is action-oriented. You’re not inquiring about their imaginations or thoughts. You’re inquiring as to what’s going on.
  • It can be used to emphasize both mistakes and accomplishments. After all, the client might exclaim, “It’s amazing!” Then you can give each other high-fives.

Listed below are a few examples:

Client: I use this quadratic equation to determine my training frequency & load. Coach: How’s that working for you? Client: Not so good. I keep forgetting to bring my calculator to the gym and end up spending my workout time trying to solve for x with a pencil and paper.

Client: I only consume brown and white meals. Coach: How’s it doing so far? Client: I haven’t had a bowel movement in three weeks, now that you mention it.

Client: I’ve been shutting off the television and going to bed an hour earlier than usual. Coach: How’s it doing so far? Client: Man, I’m feeling so much better now that I don’t want to kill anybody!

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Coaching’s two most potent words

Maybe you’re thinking to yourself, “I’m a busy coach!” as you read this. Even if one of those words is a contraction, 5 words takes too much time!”

Don’t be concerned. We’ve got your back. Try this two-word epiphany:

“Show it to me.”

Listed below are a few examples:

“I’m eating my vegetables,” says the client. Coach: “Great! “Prove it to me.” (Take a look at the client’s pictorial food journal.)

“I know what a protein portion is,” says the client. Coach: “Great! “Prove it to me.” (Check the client’s understanding of portion sizes.)

“I already know how to execute a proper X,” says the client. “Show me,” says the coach. (Review the exercise sheet.)

Client: “I’m having trouble with Y.” “Show me what that looks like,” says the coach. (Go through the scenario with the client or clarify what Y implies.)

Before you judge or decide what to do next, pay attention to how you direct the client to observation, awareness, and self-evaluation.

Important point: “Show me” also guarantees that you understand exactly what a client intends. To various people, “eating properly” means different things.

Experiences with critical input should be highlighted.

These two tactics are referred to as “critical-input experiences” in the classroom.

Learners’ knowledge and insight “stick” as they go through the experience of self-evaluation and demonstration.

As a result, critical-input experiences frequently include:

  • emotional resonance and power – the learner experiences a feeling (preferably, “Aha!” or “Woo!”).
  • a key principle or idea — for example, “Sit back and down while squatting,” or “Change your eating environment”
  • forming knowledge connections — this new input “clicks” and links with something the learner already owns or understands.
  • establishing personal bonds – the student has faith in the instructor and is eager to follow him or her down the path.
  • the “gut feeling” – clients “understand it” on a deeper level (instead of just as an intellectual exercise)
  • meaning – it is meaningful to the learner on a personal level

One of the most crucial points is the last one.

“How is it going for you?” is a good question to ask. catches the client’s attention and leads them to observable facts Boom! A reality check in a flash!

By the way, showing clients information visually rather than telling them verbally is more likely to result in critical-input experiences. That’s one of the reasons why “show me” is so effective.

Show a client a comparison graphic of plate sizes if you want them to understand the important concept of how dish size impacts eating habit. Show kids how to estimate portion sizes with their hands.

“Pick a dessert plate” or “Eat 4 ounces of X” aren’t enough. Most North Americans have lost track of what constitutes a good dish size and have difficulty visualizing it. Except for a drug dealer, nearly no one can fathom “4 ounces” of anything.

(You can use photographs from our Calorie Control Guides or Macronutrient Guides if you need some to explain these concepts.)

First, show, then tell (what to do)

As much as feasible, make decisions based on outcomes.

(We’d say “always,” but sometimes you have to make coaching judgments based on intuition, hunches, and past knowledge before knowing the outcome.)

1. Make a list of your goals and the outcome you want to achieve. (For instance, a client wishes to lose weight.)

2. Determine which evidence will reveal the information you seek. (The client’s body composition has changed.)

3. Gather the proof. (Photos of the client with skinfold measurements.)

4. Analyze and analyze the data. (The client is getting smaller.)

5. Make a decision based on the evidence. (Continue to continue what you’re doing.) Yeah!)

Outcome based decision making

One of the best things about outcome-based decision making is that it can be used to your coaching practice as well.

It tells you whether you’re a good coach or not… If not, consider where and how you might make adjustments, then retest them.

What should I try…

Here are four activities you might try in your coaching practice while you think through the lessons in today’s post.

1. Ask yourself or someone else, “How’s it working for you?” Compare what you and your clients believe, feel, and do to real-world evidence.

2. Request that clients demonstrate rather than tell. To gather evidence and gain clarity, look for examples and demonstrations. “Show it to me.”

3. Make a list of “critical-input experiences.” What are the most important things for clients to understand and learn? Why? Examine your coaching goals to make sure you’re prioritizing correctly.

4. Make decisions based on outcomes to direct future activities. With facts, every decision is better!

Your professional growth as a trainer and coach

Great coaching takes time, education, and practice to master.

Consider working with us if you want to take your coaching to the next level – and become the best trainer and fitness expert you can be.

If you’re a coach or wish to be one…

It’s both an art and a science to coach clients, patients, friends, or family members through healthy food and lifestyle adjustments in a way that’s tailored to their individual body, tastes, and circumstances.

Consider the Level 1 Certification if you want to learn more about both.

Many of us are stuck in the same rut, repeating the same mistakes and re-evaluating the same mistakes over and over again. It is common to feel lost, hopeless and deeply frustrated at the same time. But this is also the opportunity to start fresh. We can start today and change the course of our futures.. Read more about 4 crazy questions precision nutrition and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are some coaching tools?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Coaching tools are a set of tools that can be used to help improve your performance in any given sport. These tools can include things like training plans, videos, and other resources that will help you become better at the sport youre playing.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is the best coaching tool?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The best coaching tool is a coach.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What is outcome-based coaching?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Outcome-based coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on the outcome and not the process.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some coaching tools?

Coaching tools are a set of tools that can be used to help improve your performance in any given sport. These tools can include things like training plans, videos, and other resources that will help you become better at the sport youre playing.

What is the best coaching tool?

The best coaching tool is a coach.

What is outcome-based coaching?

Outcome-based coaching is a type of coaching that focuses on the outcome and not the process.

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  • what is a practice associated with full presence and engagement as a client-centered coach
  • motivational interviewing precision nutrition
  • nutrition coaching questions
  • health coaching scripts
  • 4 crazy questions precision nutrition

About Vaibhav Sharda

Vaibhav Sharda

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