The 3 absolute worst health and fitness goals you must avoid. Plus a clear recipe for turning ‘bad’ fitness goals into ‘good’ ones. |

Today, I’m breaking down some of the most common bad fitness goals out there. These include the ones you’ve heard of and the ones you haven’t, but should.

You’ve heard all the promises that successful dieters have made: “I will lose 20 pounds in two months.” “No more bad habits.” “I will never eat fast food again.” “I will never be hungry again.” But, what happens when you fall for one of those promises? You’re not only setting yourself up for failure, but you’re setting yourself up to suffer even more!

You have a vision to get fit, lose weight, and live healthier. You set a goal, and you’re off! Unfortunately, you may make some bad decisions along the way. If you want to achieve that goal, you need to be aware of some common mistakes, and where to find help.

You need a powerful formula, something to coordinate your efforts, if you want to reach your health and fitness goals. We’ll help you get organized while also going over three key tactics for turning “poor” fitness goals into “excellent” ones in this post.


What are your fitness objectives?

This is where every endeavor to “get in shape” begins.

It appears to be a simple question to answer.

Simply state how many pounds you’d like to lose, what pant size you’d like to wear, how much weight you’d like to deadlift, or the date you need to look photo-ready… then you’re off and running.

Of course, most people set their fitness objectives in this manner. Are they, however, doing it correctly?

Normally, no.

That’s why we devote so much effort to assisting our coaching clients in defining and setting the correct goals.

You have a simple, elegant, action-inspiring blueprint when you properly set out your goals. You know exactly how you’ll develop the skills you’ll need to achieve the body you desire.

Setting goals correctly is a strategy for getting things done. When you set objectives correctly, you will feel ready, eager, and able to achieve your goals.

You get lost if you don’t know how to set goals. Confused. Overwhelmed. Shoulds have crushed me. Wondering and fretting, as well as unnecessary details, keep you distracted. It’s almost certainly by chance that you achieve with bad or ambiguous aims.

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Setting goals is a powerful skill to master.

We learned early on in the development of our PN Coaching and Certification programs that discussing the kind of objectives that work and those that don’t wasn’t enough.

We wanted a formula that our own coaches (as well as Certification graduates) could apply with their clients. One that was simple to comprehend and put into action.

We needed a formula that could be used to achieve any goal, whether it was losing weight, going off cholesterol medication, or feeling good about where you are in life.

Today, I’ll lay out that formula for you.

Continue reading to learn three crucial techniques to turn “poor” fitness goals into “excellent” ones in no time.

Step 1: Change your “outcome goals” to “behavior goals.”

When asked about their fitness goals, most people begin by stating the desired outcome(s):

  • I’d like to shed 20 pounds.
  • I’m going for the shredded, thin-skinned aesthetic.
  • I’d like to binge less frequently.
  • I want to deadlift twice as much as I weigh.

Outcome goals specify how we want things to turn out at the conclusion of the procedure.

There’s nothing wrong with having a desire for something. Alternatively, you may talk about what you want. Alternatively, start with the end in mind.

We can’t, however, end there.

Having a desire for something isn’t enough. Even if you have a strong desire for them.

Because: We don’t always have control over the outcome.

Environmental factors have an impact on outcomes. Like:

  • Your job becomes quite hectic.
  • Your child becomes ill.
  • Your gym is undergoing renovations.
  • Your dementia-stricken mother requires assistance.
  • At school, you have exams.

Physical things have an impact on them. Like:

  • Hormones become out of whack.
  • You have a long-term ailment. (Or maybe just a bad case of the flu.)
  • You’re under duress.
  • You seem to travel a lot.
  • You’re getting on in years.
  • You’re having difficulty sleeping.
  • You may have sprained your ankle or your arthritic knee is acting up once more.

You get my drift.

You can’t compel your body to perform what you desire. (Neither can your personal trainer, for that matter.)

However, you have power over what you do.

That is why behavior objectives are so important: they concentrate on the aspects of our lives over which we have control.

Your commitment to practice a specific set of actions or duties every day, as consistently and often as possible, is reflected in your behavior objectives.

Here’s a real-life example.

“I want a flat stomach,” says the client.

“All right, cool,” says the coach.

“Let’s write that down as the desired result.

“Now let’s consider all of the small steps we can take to get you closer to that goal, and prioritize them.

“This is a step that, in my experience, makes a tremendous difference and is a terrific place to start,” says the author.

“It’s a basic concept, but it’s tremendously effective: eat slowly.

“I know it doesn’t appear to have anything to do with a ‘flat stomach’ right away.

“However, eating slowly allows you to pay more attention to what you’re eating and how you’re consuming it. That means you’ll be able to make better dietary choices more readily and naturally over time.

“Eating slowly allows you to consume less calories while remaining pleased. Another benefit of Project Flat Stomach is that it reduces bloating because you’re chewing and digesting your meals better.

“Would you be willing to try this initial step of eating slowly, as well as keeping track of how well you do it?”

Because eating slowly encourages people to eat less, and eating less often leads to fat reduction (not to mention the benefits of better food choices and improved digestion), this strategy aids in the transformation of an uncontrollable consequence into a behavior (controllable).

Here are a few more instances of how outcome objectives might be transformed into conduct goals.

Outcome Behavior
10 pound weight loss At each meal, eat until you’re content (rather than stuffed).
Lower your blood sugar levels. At least three times a week, instead of sweets, eat fruit for dessert.
Increase the amount of weight you squat. Squat three times each week at different intensities.
Sleep for eight hours every night. Make a relaxing pre-bedtime routine and begin it 30 minutes before bedtime.
Improve your relationship with your partner. Once a week, have a dating night.

Take note of how both the outcome and behavior goals can be tracked. Behavior goals, on the other hand, are usually more effective because they provide you with something to do (and track) every day.

So, how can you develop effective behavior objectives right now?

  1. Make a list of one desired outcome. Don’t give it too much thought. Just think of the urge you have right now.
  2. Make a list of the talents you believe you’ll need to achieve that goal. Focus on core abilities if you’re just getting started. What are the fundamentals that allow everything else to happen? (If you want to manage your time, for example, you need learn to utilize a calendar.)
  3. Write down one or two behaviors that will help you strengthen those skills today, one for each skill. This might be as simple as entering through the gym doors or packing your gym bag for the next day’s workout.
  4. Carry out the conduct today, tomorrow, and the next day. Also, if you don’t follow through on a particular day, don’t let that derail you. Every day is a fresh start.

Do you need some assistance breaking down outcomes into abilities and skills into behaviors? Take a look at this cheat sheet.

Step 2: Rename your “avoid goals” to “approach goals.”

Stop consuming carbonated beverages.

Stop consuming unhealthy foods.

Quit smoking.

These kind of “avoid” goals are simple and basic. What could be simpler or more understandable than the word “don’t”?

This appears to be the case. The words “don’t” and “stop” will urge you away from anything “evil,” or something that undermines your goals.

However, “avoid” goals are psychologically ineffective.

Because telling yourself you’re going to stop doing something nearly always means you’re going to keep doing it.

Nobody enjoys being told what to do, as you can expect. This is referred to as resistance, and it is quite natural. When someone (including yourself) makes a strong case for change, your natural reaction is to make a strong case against it.

Furthermore, if the goal is to stop doing something, even the tiniest lapse can be perceived as a failure. You’re “off the wagon” after one miss, and all hell breaks loose.

Avoiding goals takes a lot of mental effort. They consume a significant amount of mental and emotional space and energy. You can’t stop thinking about what you’re not doing… or what you shouldn’t do… But you’re not allowed to do what you actually want to do… augh.

That is why we assist clients in converting “avoid” goals to “approach” goals.

“Approach” goals nudge you toward what you want (while discreetly nudge you away from something you don’t want).

Feeling good is also a focus of “approach” goals. It’s all about looking after ourselves.

Here are some examples of how “avoid” goals might be transformed into “approach” goals. It’s worth noting that the approach goals emphasize increasing and appreciating “good stuff” rather than removing or avoiding “bad stuff.”

Avoid Approach Benefit
Stop eating “junk food” as a snack. Snack on cut-up fruits and vegetables that have been prepared ahead of time. Fruits and vegetables are excellent for me, and this makes it easier for me to consume more of them.
When you’re stressed or overwhelmed, don’t eat too much. Keep yourself “checked in” by eating gently and breathing in between bites. I’m more calmer now, and I’m enjoying mealtimes with my family more. My digestion is also much improved.
Stop consuming carbonated beverages. At least three times a day, drink a glass of water. I’m no longer bothered by headaches or constipation.
When I’m stressed, I don’t eat. Make a list of my favorite stress-relieving hobbies. Then choose one from the list to complete. After my “stress-relief break,” I feel so much better!
Stop being exhausted and sleep-deprived all of the time. Create a peaceful sleep routine with a bedtime of 9 p.m. I’m alert, energised, and cheerful. I no longer require as much caffeine.

So, how can you make today’s “approach” goals more effective?

  1. Make a list of a “bad” habit you want to break. This is a simple task. It’s the “difficult to break” habit you constantly scold yourself about.
  2. Make a list of one or two “good” habits to replace the one you want to give up. Make the “good” habits applicable to the situation. Take a tea break instead of a smoking break if you normally take one at work.
  3. Make a “approach” goal for today to help reinforce the new “good” habit. Begin with as little as possible. Perhaps you’ll take a tea break today, or perhaps you’ll simply carry your new tea stash to work with you today so it’ll be waiting for you tomorrow.
  4. Determine how you will profit from this “approach” aim. Consider all the benefits of a tea break: you’ll get antioxidants, you’ll be able to try a variety of teas, you’ll be able to use the adorable mug your daughter made you in pottery class, you’ll be able to hang out in the break room with that attractive coworker who also enjoys tea, you’ll smell like fragrant jasmine or vanilla rooibos instead of cigarette smoke… whatever.
  5. Find what works and do it again. You can experiment with a variety of various “approach” goals to see what works best for you. When you’ve found one that works for you, put it into practice on a daily basis.

Step 3: Substitute “mastery goals” for “performance goals.”

Outcome goals are similar to performance goals. However, they’re frequently linked to external validation, such as a desire to receive good grades from a teacher, win a fan tournament, or race against a set time.

Performance objectives, like outcome goals, are frequently hampered by factors outside your control:

  • It’s possible that the day of the marathon will be rainy and windy. That is beyond your control, but it has an impact on your time.
  • On the day of a powerlifting match, you could develop a head cold, an unsettled stomach, or mega-period cramps. You might not be able to perform effectively or reach that personal best.
  • At a bodybuilding competition, you could be in peak shape. Your opponent, on the other hand, might be in superior shape.

Of course, setting performance goals might be entertaining for a short time. They have the ability to motivate you to attain your goals.

However, if they do not exercise, it is quite demotivating. You may believe you’ve “failed” every time you don’t meet the performance criteria (regardless of whether it even makes sense to meet that standard).

And putting our happiness and fulfillment in the hands of someone or something else is a bad idea. It’s similar to pleasing a coach. Beating a competitor in a game. Matching a random number. Having a large number of “likes” on social media. Getting a gold star, for example.

Because we’re continually staring over the fence, we never feel like we’ve accomplished anything.

Mastery isn’t like that.

  • Mastery refers to the process of growing a little bit better at a skill every day. You don’t expect to become a black belt overnight. But you do expect to make improvements… although slowly.
  • Mastery emphasizes the pleasure of learning as well as the importance of the intrinsic (inside-yourself) process. When you’re focused on the joy of doing the activity, external validation becomes irrelevant.
  • Mastery is satisfying because you can feel good about your own personal growth regardless of what others think or do – whether you’re rated harshly or outperformed.

Mastery is truly inspiring, regardless of what else is going on.

But wait, you say, I’m a sportsperson.

My clients are athletes, for example. Athletes are defined by their accomplishments.

It’s possible they’ll be present during the competition. The best athletes I’ve ever worked with, on the other hand, have almost completely concentrated on mastery throughout the day-to-day grind.

The intrinsic pleasure of having a growth mindset, of learning something new every day, and of achieving progress is what motivates people to train for years. And expertise is the key to great performance.

After a terrible play, game, or season, mastery-oriented athletes don’t doubt the activity’s or their own worth. They don’t consider themselves losers. They view setbacks as crucial learning opportunities.

Let’s picture a situation in which performance isn’t improving. Let’s pretend that an athlete is winning everything and giving it their all – they’re at the top of their class and have few opponents to contend with. What do you train for if there’s no one else to beat? Mastery.

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.

As many of you know, I’ve worked with former UFC champion Georges St-Pierre for quite some time. GSP utterly dominated his opponent (Dan Hardy) throughout 5 hard rounds and 25 minutes of fighting at UFC 111 in New Jersey.

What the audience didn’t notice was Georges’ dissatisfaction. He didn’t submit his opponent through armbar when given the chance, and the fight ended in a draw.

What exactly did he do? He went backstage at midnight, just after the fight ended, and spent 30 minutes practicing on armbars with his grappling coach, hell-bent on mastering his technique.

That’s how mastery appears.

Jahvid Best, a former NFL running back who recently quit from football and began racing as a sprinter, is another example. When questioned about his track and field aspirations, he simply stated, “To master the sprinting technique.”

He made no mention of winning this or that tournament. He didn’t mention his 100 meter times. He talked about honing his skills.

Here are some examples of how performance objectives might be transformed into mastery goals. Notice how words like “work on,” “build,” and “practice” appear in mastery goals.

Performance Mastery
In the half marathon, I set a new personal best. Work on making things run more gracefully, efficiently, and seamlessly. Examine a video of yourself running and note any technique flaws, then incorporate these into your training plan.
Increase the weight you bench press. Increase bar speed and develop supporting muscles by practicing exercises that do so on a regular basis.
In the Tough Mudder, beat your time from last year. Lactate tolerance can be improved by performing high-intensity anaerobic sprints.
For a forthcoming competition, reduce your body fat to 8%. Improve my abilities to construct and execute a well-planned food plan on a regular basis.

So, how can you set effective “mastery objectives” right now?

  1. Make a performance goal by writing out a desired outcome. This may be evident, or it may require some investigation — for example, “Damn, why am I so intent on lifting more weight than my brother-in-law?”
  2. Make a list of possible ways to achieve that goal by turning inward. What does success look like when external validation is removed from the equation? What are you hoping to master… for yourself? For the sake of the craft?
  3. Consider which abilities will lead to mastery. To a speedier time, no. However, a body that can provide faster timing, higher jumps, smoother movement, or more consistent decisions.
  4. Make a list of one action you can perform each day for the next two weeks to improve your skills. Then do something about it. (This one is a big hit with our clients because it completely transforms and renews exercises, meal planning, and other health-related routines.) It everything boils down to practical progress. It may even turn into a game.)
  5. Keep track of how far you’ve come in your quest for mastery. Make your daily or weekly practices a permanent part of your routine. Have a good time keeping track of your progress. And give yourself a high five for any progress, no matter how minor.


So, why should you set the appropriate goals?

Setting reasonable expectations and breaking major undertakings into smaller sections can be made easier with the correct goals. This keeps you from being overwhelmed and helps you stick to your goals.

The correct goals make you feel “in charge” of your life: autonomous, accountable, and responsible. This is a pleasant sensation. You’ll need it to make long-term changes.

The correct goals will help you gain long-term understanding and inspiration. (Rather than short-term “quick fixes” that fail or frustrate in the long run.)

Your intrinsic drive is boosted when you set the correct goals. Rather than being about someone else’s judgment, norms, or goal, they’re relevant to you.

The correct goals will motivate you to take action. Now is the time. In a true sense. In the actual world. Because, at the end of the day, only action results in change.

What to do next: Here’s some guidance from.

1. Take a hard look at your objectives.

The majority of people have health and fitness objectives. Consider your own. If you want, you can jot them down.

Examine and classify them. What are the differences between “outcome objectives,” “avoid goals,” and/or “performance goals”?

How long have you had them, if you have any? Do you think you’ve made good progress? How are they assisting you?

2. Think about the talents you’ll need to achieve your goals.

New abilities are required for new outcomes. If you haven’t done anything you want to accomplish, you probably haven’t gained the necessary abilities. (Yet.)

Consider what abilities you’ll need to develop and how you’ll go about doing so.

3. Transform outcomes into actions.

Once you’ve determined which abilities will assist you in achieving your objectives, break them down into behaviors/actions that you can practice on a daily basis.

4. Concentrate on what you should do rather than what you should avoid.

It is not an action plan to say, “Don’t do X.”

However, “do more Y” is.

Benefits, enjoyment, pleasure, abundance, learning, growth, and contentment should all be prioritized wherever possible.

5. Take pleasure in the journey.

Choose activities that you’ll enjoy (or find ways to appreciate the ones you’ve chosen). Experience the daily zen of doing something for the purpose of doing it. Refine, enhance, and master your craft.

If you’re a coach or wish to be one…

It’s both an art and a science to coach clients, patients, friends, or family members through healthy food and lifestyle adjustments in a way that’s tailored to their individual body, tastes, and circumstances.

Consider the Level 1 Certification if you want to learn more about both.

The worst health and fitness goals you must avoid. The 3 absolute worst health and fitness goals you must avoid are: 1. Over-training. 2. Trying to do too much. 3. Not having a plan. The best fitness goals to have are: 1. Go to the gym regularly 2. Eat healthy 3. Not over-training or over-doing it . The best way to turn bad fitness goals into good fitness goals is by having a clear plan that you stick to.. Read more about precision nutrition 5 minute action and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are 3 criteria for writing a good fitness goal?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The three criteria for writing a good fitness goal are as follows:
-It should be realistic.
-It should be measurable.
-It should have an end date.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are the three main goals of fitness?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The three main goals of fitness are to improve health, increase strength, and improve performance.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are 4 ways to set fitness goals?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
There are a few ways to set fitness goals. One way is to find out what your current fitness level is and then set a goal that is just slightly higher than your current level. Another way is to set a goal that is much higher than your current level, but only if you have the time and energy for it. A third way is to set a goal that is in between your current level and the next step up. Finally, you can also set a goal thats lower”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What are 3 criteria for writing a good fitness goal?

The three criteria for writing a good fitness goal are as follows: -It should be realistic. -It should be measurable. -It should have an end date.

What are the three main goals of fitness?

The three main goals of fitness are to improve health, increase strength, and improve performance.

What are 4 ways to set fitness goals?

There are a few ways to set fitness goals. One way is to find out what your current fitness level is and then set a goal that is just slightly higher than your current level. Another way is to set a goal that is much higher than your current level, but only if you have the time and energy for it. A third way is to set a goal that is in between your current level and the next step up. Finally, you can also set a goal thats lower

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  • precision nutrition behavior change
  • precision nutrition 5 minute action
  • precision nutrition approach

About Vaibhav Sharda

Vaibhav Sharda

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